128 research outputs found


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    Background: Sport is one of popular activities throughout the world. One of the biggest problems found among athletes in sports is dehydration, which causes many bad health issues for athletes themselves. The bad health issues caused by dehydration, several of them are disturbance and decrease of the memory. Therefore, rehydration is required to overcome the bad effects of dehydration. Aim: To know the effect of rehydration on memory Method: This research uses experimental method. The research subjects are the medical students of Diponegoro University (n=31) whom being dehydrated and rehydrated with isotonic water. Their memories are measured by using code and memory tests. A changing of memories among groups is analyzed with Kruskal Wallis and continued with Mann-Whitney test. Result: It is found that there is a decrease of memories after dehydrating condition rather than before dehydrating condition. Wilcoxon test shows an increase of memory function after rehydration which is significant in group of isotonic water rehydration (p=0,006) and mineral water rehydration (p=0,026).Otherwise, there is a significant ecrease of memory function in group of non-rehydration (p=0,035). Furthermore, the result of Kruskal Wallis shows the significant difference (p=0,022) in memory test among groups. Conclusion: Dehydration decreases memory function, while rehydration with isotonic and mineral water can significantly increase memory function. Keywords: Rehydration, dehydration, memory, isotonic water, mineral water *Undergraduate of Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University Semarang **Staff of Physiology Department Faculty of Medicine Diponegoro University Semaran


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    Fokus penciptaan karya ini adalah menciptakan karya mapping art pada lukisan dengan teknik animasi. Fokus penulisannya adalah proses penciptaan karya dan perwujudan mapping art pada lukisan dengan teknik animasi. sedangkan tujuan dari penciptaan karya ini adalah mewujudkan karya mapping art pada lukisan yang diinginkan. Tujuan penulisannya adalah Terdeskripsikannya proses penciptaan dan perwujudan penciptaan karya mapping art pada lukisan dengan teknik animasi. Dirasa dapat memperkuat nilai visual yang terdapat pada lukisan agar lebih menarik, pencipta ingin terus mengembangkan dan merealisasikan idenya dengan tetap memperhatikan refrensinya sebagai acuan membuat karya. Penciptaan karya seni mapping art pada lukisan  ini menggunakan tahapan penciptaan yang dimulai dari ide, konsep, proses eksekusi (meliputi proses manual dan proses digital / animasi), kemudian dilanjutkan tahap finishing dan display. Karya yang dihasilkan sebanyak dua karya yaitu Mimpi buruk dan Ngidung. Kedua karya tersebut berukuran 140 X 190 cm dengan media Akrilik diatas kanvas dan dipadukan video animasi. Kata Kunci: Mapping Art, Animasi, Seni Lukis


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    This research aimed to investigate whether there is any significant difference in the tendency of experiencing learned-helplessness between high school students with lower grade and higher grade in Salatiga, Indonesia. Survey method was used in collecting the data,utilizing Perceived Influence Questionnaire (Holt, 1980) as the instrument of measurement. 317 participants were involved,consisted of 190 of higher grade students and 127 of lower grade students. Mann-Whitney U was used to analyse the data, considering that the data were not normally distributed. This test result showed that there was a significant difference between high school students with higher grade and lower grade (the Mann-Whitney U coefficient of 10,644, with z value of -1795, p <0.05 (p = 0036, 1-tailed)), with students of lower grade tend to be more prone to experience learned-helplessness. Additional results from their subjective perception on their achievement were also discussed and so were the implications of the study

    The Use of Students’ Oral Presentation in Enhancing Students’ Response in Teaching Reading

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    Abstract: This study was aimed to know is there an effect of the use students’ oral presentation in enhancing students’ response in teaching reading . The research design of this study used pre-experimental in one group pretest – posttest design to know students’ response in teaching reading. Pre-test was administrated at the first meeting before teaching them by using each of the defined techniques for the students and post-test was given to the students at the same test after completing the treatment. Then, the researcher analyzed and compared the result of the pre test and posts test to measure the independent variable. The participants of the research were the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Suralaga, consists of 35 students. The research instrument used by the writer was oral question. The researcher asked the students to give respond based on the text given. This was aimed at knowing the students respond toward the reading text. After the data were collected, the researcher then analyzed them by using t test formula. The finding of the research showed that: mean score of pre test was 15.22, while mean score of post test was 20.87, and observed was 6.94. the table with df=n-1 (35-1=34) and significance level at 0.05 was 2.31. It is means that the treatment by using students oral presentation in enhancing students’ respond in reading text, there was a positive effect to students’ response in teaching reading   &nbsp

    Manajemen Keselamatan Pariwisata di Obyek Wisata Lava Tour Merapi di Kecamatan Cangringan dan Kecamatan Pakem Kab Sleman

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    Undang - Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2019 mengamanatkan bahwa setiap wisatawan memiliki hak salah satunya adalah pelayanan kepariwisataan sesuai dengan standar, perlindungan hukum dan keamanan, pelayanan kesehatan, perlindungan hak pribadi dan perlindungan asuransi untuk kegiatan pariwisata yang berisiko tinggi. Namun dalam pelaksanaan di lapangan masih banyak ditemukan kendala bahwa keselamatan kegiatan wisata kurang mendapatkan jaminan keselamatan. Obyek Wisata Lava Tour Merapi salah satu destinasi wisata yang memiliki potensi kerawanan terhadap kecelakaan kegiatan wisata.Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif.  Lokasi penelitian di Kecamatan Pakem dan Kecamatan Cangkringan Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan metode wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. Informan penelitian ini antara lain Ketua Asosiasi, Ketua Layanan jeep dan beberapa sopir jeep dan wisatawan. Teknik analisis data melalui analisis deskriptif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek keselamatan pariwisata di Obyek Wisata Lava Tour Merapi dikelola dengan baik. Hal tersebut ditunjukan melalui kinerja aspekperencanaan yang dilakukan sebagai tindak lanjut Program Tri Pakarti Musna. Pengelola merumuskan Program peningkatan sumber daya manusia sebagai tindak lanjut Program Tri Pakarti Musna. Program peningkatan sumber daya manusia ini menyangkut tentang tatacara mengelola obyek pariwisat


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    The mindfulness community is formed because it has special benefits for its members and one of them can be in the form of increasing self-acceptance for each individual who joins the group. This study aims to determine the relationship between mindfulness and self-acceptance among members of the Jogja Mindfulness Weekend community. The sampling method used was a saturated sampling technique involving 32 members of the Jogja Mindfulness Weekend community aged 20-50 years. Mindfulness data retrieval using the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) scale from Baer et al (2006) theory and has a Cronbach's alpha value = 0.896 while for self-acceptance using the Self-Acceptance Questionnaire (SAQ) scale from Sheerer theory (Sulistya, 2005) and has cronbach's alpha value = 0.942. Data retrieval via google form distributed to each participant with data analysis techniques using the Pearson product moment correlation test with the help of the SPSS ver 24 application. From the results of the study, the value of r = 0,767 (p<0,05) which means that there is a positive and significant relationship between mindfulness and self-acceptance. Thus Hypothesis (H1) is accepted where it shows that there is a positive and significant relationship between mindfulness and self-acceptance. This means, the higher the level of mindfulness, the higher the level of self-acceptance among members of the Jogja Mindfulness Weekend community. Vice versa, the lower the level of mindfulness, the lower the level of self-acceptance for members of the Jogja Mindfulness Weekend community

    Perilaku Burung Elang (Nisaetus cirrhatus) Mengamankan Sarang: Studi Kasus Di Hutan Pendidikan dan Penelitian Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda

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    This study aims to determine the nest funding and behaviour of Changeable Hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus). The research was carried out at the Forest for Education of Forestry Faculty of Mulawarman University. The result showed that the male hawk watched the nest more than female during the breeding season.  Furthermore, drones were used to obtain the position of the eggs due to the high nest tree

    Controlling A Robot Car Using Android Application Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    CONTROLLING A ROBOT USING ANDROID APPLICTION Abstract The Android Operating System is one of the biggest number in usage operating system in the smartphone that also commonly known in our life, for order of entertainment, invention, research, social etc, meanwhile for the research purpose there are many ways those can be done to invent a product to be researched. The objective of this research is to develop a program or an Android application to control a robot powered by Arduino using a motor driver and a Bluetooth modem. The process involved in building the robot includes the assembling of a chassis used for the robot, programing the Arduino as well as the interface for the Android device. This thesis document contains the design of process for the robot and programming for the android interface. The details in the research give the information about the different aspects of computing involved in the whole project. The advantages those might be obtained are the cheap research cost because in the other hand Arduino and Android are open source. The outcome of the project is a combination of embedded computing and programming, the researcher used APP Inventor2to integrate Arduino with Android, based on the test methods it can be concluded that it is easy to implement Arduino with android the Keywords: Android, Arduino, Bluetooth shield, embedded computin

    Gambaran Kecemasan akan Kematian pada Lansia yang Sudah Sayur Matua dalam Budaya Simalungun

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    Suku Simalungun sebagai salah satu sub suku Batak memiliki dua pandangan terhadap kematian yaitu kematian sebagai duka; dan kematian yang dianggap sebagai suka cita (Sinaga, 2008). Kematian yang dianggap sebagai sukacita adalah bila orang yang meninggal sudah sayur matua. Istilah sayur matua dalam Simalungun diberikan kepada lansia yang berumur 60 tahun atau lebih dan yang dianggap telah selesai melaksakan tugasnya dan sebagai suatu simbol dari kesempurnaan hidup orang tua. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat bagaimana gambaran kecemasan akan kematian pada lansia yang menurut pandangan suatu budaya sudah berada pada tahap kesempurnaan dan kebermaknaan hidup yaitu sayur matua. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan partisipan dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Tigarunggu kabupaten Simalungun dari bulan September sampai dengan Oktober 2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa walaupun ketiga partisipan sudah sayur matua, namun ketiga partisipan masih memiliki kecemasan akan kematian. Perbedaan pandangan dan makna sayur matua pada partisipan membuat kecemasan akan kematian antar partisipan dalam penelitian juga berbeda. selain itu sumber, bentuk dan dampak kecemasan akan kematian yang dialami memiliki perbedaan antara ketiga partisipan

    Psychological Well-Being Pada Wanita Yang Menikah di Bawah Umur di Daerah Madura

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    Data statistik menunjukkan bahwa wanita yang melakukan pernikahan di bawah umur di Madura masih banyak terjadi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana kondisi dan faktor apa yang memengaruhi Psychological Well-Being (PWB) pada wanita yang menikah di bawah umur di daerah Madura, serta faktor apa yang mendorong terjadinya pernikahan di bawah umur di Madura. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomologi. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara dan observasi. Dalam hal PWB hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua narasumber cenderung menerima kondisi dirinya ketika sudah menikah, mampu berhubungan baik dengan masyarakat sekitar maupun teman-temannya, memiliki otonomi yang baik yaitu menceritakan masalah ke suami dan mencari solusi bersama-sama, penguasaan lingkungan yang baik yaitu kedua narasumber mampu untuk meyesuaikan diri atas kesulitan-kesulitan yang muncul, kedua narasumber memiliki tujuan hidup setelah menikah yaitu hidup bahagia setelah menikah, dan bertumbuh dengan baik yaitu tidak egois dan tidak mendahulukan emosi, namun demikian kedua narasumber mengalami kesusahan dalam mengatur ekonomi keluarga mereka. Menurut kedua narasumber, faktor yang memengaruhi kondisi PWB dari kedua narasumber tersebut adalah dari pasangan yang baik, keluarga dan dukungan lingkungan sekitar yang mendukung
